Chick Corea & Pier Paderni - Andromeda Project Session
incontro tra due vecchi amici di lunga data. L'idea di fare quattro note in compagnia e così è nato, molto underground ed estemporaneo, Andromeda Project.
Una conversazione amichevole per il piacere di creare liberamente: tre brani improvvisati e senza alcun modello prestabilito, altri amici - Galyle e Liana- si sono uniti all'happening nel terzo brano
CHICK COREA Piano Bosendorfer, Rhodes Piano e Yamaha Motif 8 Keyboard
PIER PADERNI Piano Bosendorfer, Rhodes Piano e Yamaha Motif 8 Keyboard
GAYLE MORAN Vocals LIANA COREA Yamaha acoustic piano
BERNIE KIRSH Sound engineer
© Corea/Paderni
"As music listeners we all too often set our bearings to a preconceived setting, a compass of sound, melody and rhythm familiar and expected. Much as in visual art when the already known and explored landscape and form carry meaning. And we grope for a novelty that we can point to and say how unique. We somehow want the different, but at the same time are reluctant to venture to far away from the boundaries we set as home. If art is to go somewhere then it must be free to travel. Likewise, if art is to transform and enlighten, the those who become the fortunate benefactors, must be willing travelers. Conventional, stylized productions of art no matter the genre have said at the gate the fence is as far as we go. After all, it's what is known and there's no risk of getting lost. But sadly, there's equally no gain of finding out. And there becomes no reason to dream. Praise to these adventurous musicians and to all artists who cast aside set rules of form and technique and dare to create beyond the gated fence. What results is not just a better cover or different arrangement, but what is extraordinary....that which exceeds far beyond the accepted order into new realms of being and existence. And for us, there is the adventure of the travel and just as these musicians set not even a key, we are given our natural liberty with it to dream." (Mr. Francis Don Daniels -poet and painter)