Operation of Creative Action did fill up out atheliers with set-decors, costumes, lights, sounds, words, music, plays, volumes, painting and drawing of forms: they all tell the co-joining of many paths into the common desire to create and offer beauty and harmony. Harmoniuos Craftsmen met, free from any costriction or exterior necessity... gather happily on the Elswhere... where the joy of creation joins the pleasure of play. Dreams and expectations did not need words, ... creation has been and still is the common word. Who are those "Harmoniuos Craftsmen"? Painters, musicians, set designers, illustrators, costumists and artisans: they come from different regions, different cultures, they don't care about skin color or faiths since the most important key is the need of dream and create beauty. Their first creations came up with the Arts Festivals "Sui Sentieri della Fantasia" ("On the Paths of Fantasy") dedicated to J.R.R.Tolkien and the Blu Rider of W. Kandinsky e F. Marc, which took place in the summer '92 e '93, in the magic atmosphere of Monteisola, on Iseo Lake. Everthing since has become a great adventure. To create set-designs, concerts repertoires, drawings and paintings we did work hard not caring of the summer burning temperatures or common unpredictable that are part of any good adventure. The creations and works were the "artisans" and the easy way of cooperation has become a real test of "harmony" ". And here they are the "Harmoniuos Craftsmen"...