"The constant goal for man, in any social or historical context, is the freedom to believe, think, act and create granting freedom to all. But today, particularly in the arts field, this value of spiritual nature very rarely is achieved with stability: ideological and social situations keeps transforming into "exiled" all artists who, true to their viewpoint, don't want to conform with the governing ideologies contrary to the spiritual freedom".
" The Watch Committe for Maintenance of Environmental and Mental Grey forbids the disilluded reading this volume. The non complying will be fined the sum of six Minoic Credits and, at own expenses, will have to build a pair of wings and fly over the Crete Island singing a rap in memory of Minotaur ". (C.W.M.E.M.G.-D.O.037756, Planet Earth, Sun 12) © Pier Paderni
"Il Sogno di Icaro" is the reference book for Festival "Sui Sentieri della Fantasia" ("On the Paths of Fantasy")