Meeting Fantasy



"Meeting Fantasy"

Festival del Fantastico - Mosciano S. Angelo (TE) Aug'94

Two days for a full extemporary creation amidst the walls of this magic old village floating between the blu sea and soft hills of Abruzzo... an extraordinary adventure

Foto by Domenico Franchi 

pictures tell the story...


Mosciano S. Angelo - Teramo... in paradise!
pictures evotating....
the Program of Mosciano S. Angelo (TE)
coming close
very exclusively italian !
on main square the stage...
sound check in the burning afternoon of south Italy
the play comes to a form
trasparences fro Abbruzzo
we are ready
we also on the spell.. Mosciano S. Angelo (TE)
the courage to try the extemporary... priceless shiver
extemporary music and painting
Nike... and Re Arcobaleno
music & colors...a unique moment
the cricket ...listens
and gets ready
Andrea Ortu in full creation
Pier Paderni telling tales
open doors to free extemporary musical and pictorial portraits
actors and spectators... no limits
happening keeps going
time to in Abbruzzo the shepherd goes down to sea  ...
and we brought this verse with us...